Department of Mathematics

About the Department

Department of Mathematics

Welcome to the website of the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University.

The Department of Mathematics provides the teaching of mathematics and statistics in the following study programmes:

Teacher of Mathematics (bachelor’s and master’s programme)
Theory of teaching Mathematics and Informatics (doctoral training)
Applied Informatics (bachelor’s and master’s programme)
Business Economics and Management (bachelor’s programme)
Rural development (bachelor’s programme)

In addition to teaching, our activities include writing and publishing lecture notes and textbooks, as well as participating in scientific conferences and meetings. Our research work covers various areas of number theory and mathematical analysis, the possibilities of using interactive mathematical software in teaching mathematics and the discussion of current issues in mathematics education and methodology

Teaching Staff

Head of Department
Mgr. Szilárd Svitek, PhD.

prof. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
prof. László Szalay, DSc.
Dr. habil. Kálmán Csaba Liptai, PhD.

Associate Professors
doc. RNDr. Ferdinánd Filip, PhD.
Dr. habil. RNDr. Peter Csiba, PhD.

Assistant Professors
RNDr. Zoltán Fehér, PhD.
RNDr. Zuzana Árki, PhD.
Mgr. Szilárd Svitek, PhD.



PhD students
Mgr. Bazsó Ágnes
Mgr. Tóth Dániel
Mgr. Vajo Peter
Mgr. Vontszemű Miklós

Research staff

Miska Piotr, PhD.


Intelligent Robotics Centre

The Intelligent Robotics Centre led by prof. Dr. Várkonyiné Kóczy Annamária, DSc was established in 2015 with the help of OPVaV-2015/1.1/03-SORO EU project „Modernization of research and development infrastructure in nanotechnology and intelligent space at J. Selye University”. The Intelligent Robotics Centre supporting scientific research is a part of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics and located on the first floor of the Officer’s Pavilion in Komárno.

The Intelligent Robotics Centre of the Faculty of Economics provides the necessary infrastructure for several type of research:

Eto-robotics, human-machine communication (ETOSPACE), collaboration of robotic systems, machine-machine communication (ROSCO), autonomous robots (AUTOR), autonomous 2D navigation  in static and dynamic environment, development of unmanned robotic vehicles, autonomic navigation (3D),  3D and 4D (space-time) modelling and reconstruction. The intelligent space-related, cloud-based „big data” data centre ensures data storage and processing, as well as determines an independent research direction.


Department Assistant - Department of Mathematics and Informatics

Lami Edit

Personal Data Sheet

Faculty of Economics of J. Selye University
Hradná str. 21., Komárno, Slovakia
GPS: 47°45'25.46"N 18°8'23.22"E         


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