Academic Senate
Chairman of the Academic Senate of the FEI JSU:
RNDr. Štefan Gubo, PhD.
Vice-Chairmen of the Academic Senate of the FEI JSU:
doc. RNDr. Ferdinánd Filip, PhD. – representative of academic staff
Bc. Dávid Sipos – representative of students
Members of the Academic Senate of the FEI JSU:
The academic staff representatives:
RNDr. Zoltán Fehér, PhD., Department of Mathematics
doc. RNDr. Ferdinánd Filip, PhD., Department of Mathematics
RNDr. Štefan Gubo, PhD., Department of Informatics
Ing. Ondrej Takáč, PhD., Department of Informatics
Mgr. Zsuzsanna Tóth, PhD., Department of Foreign Langueges and Communication
PhDr. Zsuzsanna Szeiner, PhD., Department of Economics
PaedDr. Ladislav Végh, PhD., Department of Informatics
The students' representatives:
Mgr. János Mészáros
Mgr. Dániel Tóth
Bc. Dávid Sipos
Mgr. Balázs Vígh